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Requests a document status and the list of the identifiers of the users who opened the document for editing. The response will be sent to the callback handler.

Request example

"c": "info",
"key": "Khirz6zTPdfd7",
"userdata": "sample userdata"


cstringrequiredDefines the command type.
keystringrequiredDefines the document identifier used to unambiguously identify the document file.
userdatastringoptionalDefines some custom identifier which will help distinguish the specific request in case there were more than one.

Response example

"error": 0,
"key": "Khirz6zTPdfd7",
"users": ["6d5a81d0", "78e1e841"]


errorintegerrequiredDefines an error code.
keystringrequiredDefines the document identifier used to unambiguously identify the document file.
usersarray of stringsrequiredDefines the list of the identifiers of the users who opened the document for editing. When the document has been changed, the users will return the identifier of the user who was the last to edit the document (for status 2 and status 6 replies).